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    • Your privacy is important to us. This policy assists to guard your privacy and sets out our firm policy concerning your personal information.
    • While you use our site, your data may be either gathered by us or given by you.
    • Your personal information is intended to be used in the regular course of our company to give you the services considered on our website.
    • We may send you information regarding our services and advancements in our products or services. You have an option to request to discontinue this service or deregister from our social media platforms.
    • We don't sell personal information and hence we will not expose your personal information to anyone. We will need to reveal personal data to our employees who require such information to do their tasks. There may be circumstances where the law compels us to disclose your personal data
    • You may request access to your view/edit your data that we hold. On written appeal to us, you can view your personal information and correct it if necessary.
    • We are not liable for and give no guarantees or make any representations concerning the privacy policies or methods of associated or any third party websites.
    • We hold the right to modify this policy at any point. You will be accountable for reviewing any such revisions each time you access our site and your continued utilization of our site after modifications have been posted online, establishes your acceptance of this system as amended by the posted changes.
    • This policy shall be administered by and construed according to the laws of the country.
    • If you have any issues or queries related to this policy or how we are managing your personal data, please contact us at
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